Run Long Run Strong's Blog

2022 VT100: The race that I always knew I had in me
I have been dreaming of running the VT100 since I started trail running in 2013. In my former life I was

Chandra’s Race Report: Chesterfield Gorge Ultra & 25K
Well, I did it! I finished my first Ultramarathon by completing a 50K at the Chesterfield Gorge Ultra & 25K on

3 Steps to Train Smarter and Get Results
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~ Albert Einstein Are

Running on Gratitude
Today was an incredibly special day. I didn’t run in some beautiful place, nor did I set a PR or complete a

New Year, New Journey: How to Enjoy Running Again
Starting a new year is always a good time for reflections on past achievements and goal setting for new ones. Starting a

Do you have a Casper the (not so friendly) Ghost?
You have an athlete you’ve been working with for a while now. They’ve not always been the most consistent, but they usually

Heart Rate Variability: A Valuable New Metric for Athletes
Have you ever wondered why you feel so exhausted the day after a stressful day at work or school? Did you know

Tips for the time-crunched athlete
Time. It’s the one thing we all have the same amount of, and it’s the one thing we all wish we had

If it was easy, everyone would do it
Today was a really tough run for me. Not because it was 30 miles (it was 7). Not because it was

Need some inspiration? Check out my list of recommended podcasts, books, and movies
Whether you’re looking for something to listen to, read, or watch, I think you’ll find lots of information and inspiration in
Complimentary Consultation
1 hour consultation (phone or web chat). Discuss your experience and goals. Get to know Coach Faith, her coaching philosophy, and how coaching can benefit you!
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